Who we are
We are a family business with a large number of staff who are here to take care of your wishes.
Anton Brocker GmbH is a family-run company with a long tradition. When Anton Brocker founded Brocker Pfandhaus in 1873, his vision was to open a place in Mönchengladbach where people could borrow their valuables to overcome financial shortages. He felt it was wrong to dispossess people of their hard-earned possessions due to unexpected events. Therefore, our motto to this day in the 5th generation is: Lend instead of sell.
Durch das enge Vertrauen unserer Kunden, hatten wir über die Jahre unseres Bestehens die Möglichkeit, unser Unternehmen auf mittlerweile fünf Standorte in NRW auszuweiten. Zusätzlich zu diesem Erfolg dürfen wir Ihnen unseren Online-Shop, in dem Sie einzigartige Schmuckstücke und Luxusuhren erwerben können, mit Stolz präsentieren.
Our team
Our team of chosen experts will take care of each of your concerns.
If you have a question or concern, please feel free to contact us over our contact form, in person at one of our branches or by phone.

Why Brocker
Advising our customers on jewellery, watches and pawn loans is our passion. Our passion means that we have continued to improve over the years, and you can now find us at four locations in North Rhine-Westphalia. We have a rich offering available in our online shop for all of you who find the way to one of our stores too far.
Wir möchten Ihnen dabei helfen Notsituationen zu überwinden ohne sich von Ihrem Besitz trennen zu müssen. Deshalb beleihen wir seit über 150 Jahren Wertgegenstände aller Art zu attraktiven Konditionen. Dabei ist es uns ein großes Anliegen, dass Sie Ihren Pfandkredit umgehend und sicher erhalten. Ohne die Angabe von Verwendungszwecken oder Schufa Abfragen.
Our customers have been placing their trust in us since 1873. Our pawnshop is a family-run business that has remained true to its core business since the days of the Kaiser. With us, your pawned items are insured for twice the valuation and stored securely in one of our safes.